
Activated carbon (AC) has been used to reduce invasive plant growth. In a large-scale field application, AC increased native restoration in vigorous native plant growth.

Experiment suggest that AC decreases non-native plant growth by suppressing the development of positive plant–microbe interactions, Actinomycetales and Flavobacterium. These plant growth regulators are found to be good candidates for future testing of AC effects.

Activated carbon application, restoration tool that may only have applications in high-value lands. It demonstrates the potential for soil-based manipulations that can be used to guide plant community development.

This range of compounds consists of the many chemicals that are used to control pests worldwide. Target species include insect, animal, or plant species. Examples of the hundred or so pesticides that have been studied to determine their removal during drinking water treatment processes include s-triazines (atrazine, simazine, cyanazine, propazine), lindane, DDT, 2, 4-D, atachlor, metolachlor, asulam, hymexazol, methomyl, imidacloprid, carbaryl, linuron, thiobencarb, and diquat.

This table shows a selection of Purification (of Edible Oils) applications and our standard activated carbon grades. In cases where you have a special process or special quality demands, other products may be recommended.

ALCHEMI EARTH 300 Powder Activated Charcoal
ALCHEMI EARTH 400 Powder Activated Charcoal
ALCHEMI EARTH 600 Powder Activated Charcoal